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Starting Points for Research in Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Sites
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Poison Control Sites
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Institution Specific Sites |
Searchable Databases |
- Washington State University Government Documents
- African Index Medicus: an international index to African health literature and information sources.
- AGRICOLA: Provides citations to the agricultural literature.
- AquaNIC: Provide access to all electronic aquaculture information at the national and international level.
- Center for Veterinary Medicine, FDA: Includes a searchable database for animal drugs.
- Code of Federal Regulations
- Consultant: Search for veterinary diagnosis based upon species, signs, keywords.
- Current Veterinary Journals: Links to veterinary journals.
- Environmental Health Perspectives
- MEDLINE Plus: Consumer Health Information from the National Library of Medicine.
- National Toxicology Program: Chemical health & safety, cancer info, meetings, other publications.
- PubMed: Bibliographic database that contains references to journal articles
in the life sciences, biomedicine, veterinary medicine, nursing, and allied health.
- Raptor Information System, USGS: Biology & management of birds of prey.
- Veterinary Conference Proceedings: A keyword searchable database of conference proceedings.
- Washington State Veterinary Board of Governors
WSU Licensed Databases |
Licensing agreements that provide access to current WSU students, staff, and faculty also restrict some resources on the WSU Libraries web site. In order to access these resources from off-site enter your WSU network id and password, or enter your name and WSU ID number preceeded by a zero. For more information visit the Libraries' Connection Help page.
Lists of databases and electronic journals licensed for use by WSU students, staff and faculty are available from the Article Indexes and Ejournals page.
Electronic Journal Collections |
To access electronic journals that the WSU Libraries subscribe to, students, faculty, and staff should visit the Article Indexes and Ejournals
page and click on the Electronic Journals link. This will allow you to browse an A-Z list of titles or search for the journal directly.
Free full-text journal collections available to everyone include:
Free Internet Health-Related Databases |
The following online databases are available to everyone:
- BoDD, Botanical Dermatology Database: On-line version of Botanical Dermatology. Information is organized by plant name, plant product and dermatological indexes.
- CAM on PubMed: CAM on PubMed, a subset of PubMed, provides access to complementary and alternative medicine article.
- Directory of Health Organizations: Database containing information about a wide variety of health and biomedicine resources including:
organizations, projects, and databases.
- HerbMed®: Evidence-based database provides access to the scientific data underlying the use of herbs for health.
- MedBioWorld: Links to medical and bioscience journals, associations and databases.
- MEDLINEplus: Consumer Health Information from the National Library of Medicine.
- National Center for Biotechnology Information: NCBI hosts the Entrez search service for searching a number of databases including: Genbank, OMIM, PubMed, and other specialized databases.
- PubMed: Includes citations, with summaries, to articles in biomedical journals, including more than 60 veterinary titles. PubMed also contains links to some online full text journals.
- PubMed Clinical Queries: Specialized MEDLINE search filters by sensitivity or specificity for drug therapy, etiology, diagnosis or prognosis.
- PubMed Veterinary Search: Specialized MEDLINE search designed for the veterinary clinician who is looking for veterinary/animal health articles
- TOXNET: Databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health, and toxic releases.
Starting Points for Research in Veterinary Medicine |
Veterinary Sites |
- WSU College of Veterinary Medicine
- WSU International Veterinary Education Program
- WSU Libraries Subject Resources, Veterinary Medicine/Veterinary Science
- WSU Veterinary History Collection
- AAHA, American Animal Hospital Association
- AAVMC, Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
- AGRICOLA: The National Agricultural Library's provides citations to agricultural literature.
- AgNIC: The Agriculture Network Information Center provides access to agricultural information and sources.
- AltVetMed: Holistic veterinary medicine information covering acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal medicine, homeopathy, nutritional therapy and other complementary or lternative modalities.
- Animal Image Collection, NetVet
- Animal Health, USDA Animal and Plant Health Information Service makes information and links available concerning biologics, trade support, disease eradication, monitoring and surveillance, specific species and more.
- Animal Poison Control Center, ASPCA
- Animal Welfare Information Center, USDA: Provides informtion for imporved animal care and use in research, teaching, and testing.
- AquaNIC: Provide access to all electronic aquaculture information at the national and international level.
- AVMA, American Veterinary Medical Association
- Best of the Web: Veterinary Medicine
- BiologyBrowser: BiologyBrowser is a free web site offering resources for the life sciences information community.
- Bristol BioMED: A collection of medical, dental, and veterinary images.
- Career Center, AAVMC: Education and employment information and statistics from the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges.
- Case Studies in Small Animal Cardiovascular Medicine, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
- Center for Emerging Issues, US Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health
- Center for Veterinary Medicine, FDA: Includes a searchable database for animal drugs.
- Consultant: Search for veterinary diagnosis based upon species, signs, keywords.
- Current Veterinary Journals: Links to veterinary journals.
- European Veterinary Dissertations: Contains dissertations defended at several European Veterinary schools.
- FAOSTAT: Multilingual databases covering international statistics in agriculture, nutrition, fisheries, forestry, food quality control and more.
- Humane Society of the United States
- Idaho Board of Veterinary Medicine
- Idaho Department of Agriculture Administrative Rules
- ISVEE, International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics
- IVIS International Veterinary Information Services: Provides access to electronic books, veterinary meeting proceedings, continuing education, an international calendar of veterinary events and image collections. Registration (free) to access the site is required.
- IVMA, Idaho Veterinary Association
- Martindale’s Virtual Veterinary Center
- National Agricultural Library
- National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
- National Wildlife Health Center, USGS: Wildlife disease information sheets, alerts, and news.
- NetVet Veterinary Resources & Electronic Zoo: A collection of veterinary medical and animal-related information available online.
- NORINA, Norwegian Inventory of Audiovisuals: An English-language database of audiovisual aids that may be used as alternatives or supplements to the use of animals in teaching and training.
- Nutritional Requirements:
A series of publications on the nutritional requirements of domestic animals.
- One Health Initiative: a movement to forge co-equal, all inclusive collaborations between physicians, veterinarians, and other scientific-health related disciplines.
- OMIA, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals
- Oncolink Vet: Provides accurate veterinary cancer-related information for families, veterinary
professionals, and the general public.
- Oregon Department of Agriculture Animal Health and Identification Division
- One Health Initiative: One Health Initiative- a movement to forge co-equal, all inclusive collaborations between physicians, veterinarians, and other scientific-health related disciplines.
- Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board
- Plants Toxic to Animals: This database was assists veterinary
students, professionals, and others in identifying common plants that are toxic to animals.
- Primate Info Net:
Offers online primatology resources, directories, and access to Callicam and PrimateLit.
- Publications, USDA Animal and Plant Health Information Service.
- Report of the AVMA Panel on Euthanasia
- Student AVMA
- UC.Davis Center for Animal Alternatives
- US Fish & Wildlife Service
- Veterinary & Animal Science Organizations, AVMA: Alphabetical list of links, mostly by acronym.
- Veterinary Career & Employment Resources: Site brings together links to resume and CV guides, internships, externships, residencies, employment sites, recruiters and more.
- Veterinary Images, NetVet
- Veterinary Medicine Libraries
- Veterinary Conference Proceedings: A keyword searchable database
- ViFa Vet: Online Dissertations: Full text of online dissertations from selected European veterinary schools
- ViFa Vet: Virtual Veterinary Medicine Library: Some non-English links.
- VIP, Veterinary Information Portal
- Washington Veterinary Board of Governors
- Whitman County Humane Society
- WSVMA, Washington State Veterinary Medical Association
Veterinary Sites: Animal-Specific |
- American Association of Bovine Practitioners: Wide range of information for bovine practitioners, including meetings, member informtion, and help for students.
- Animal Resources, NetVet
- ArkDB: ArkDB database is a public repository for genome mapping data from farmed and other animal species.
- Canine Cardiology, University of Saskatchewan: Interactive multimedia presentation covering anatomy, the apex beat, auscultation, cardiac function, sounds and heart rate.
- Cornell Feline Health Center: Feline health information for both practitioners and owners.
- Cybersteed: This site offers hundreds of links which will interest all equine enthusiasts.
- Dog Genome Resource: The Dog Genome Project is a collaborative study aimed at producing a map of all the chromosomes in dogs.
- DogMap: DogMap is an international collaboration between towards a low-resolution canine marker map.
- Horse Genome Project: The Horse Genome Project is a cooperative, international effort to define the
genome, the DNA sequence, of the domestic horse.
- Breeds of Livestock: Information on many species, ranging from academic to animal care.
- Raptor Research Center, Boise State University: Catalog of references about the biology and management of birds of prey.
Poison Control Sites |
- Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry: Provides health information to prevent harmful exposures and diseases related
to toxic substances.
- California Poison Control System: A statewide provider of immediate, free treatment assistance over the phone in case
of exposure to poisonous, hazardous, or toxic substances.
- Cornell University Poisonous Plants Informational Database: This reference includes plant images, pictures of affected animals, and presentations concerning the botany, chemistry, toxicology, diagnosis
and prevention of poisoning of animals by plants and other flora.
- I EAT PLANTS Living Laboratory: Provides a list of toxic plants including images, toxic principles, and clinical signs.
- Poisoning, Merck Manual: Lists symptoms and treatment of toxic exposure to specific substances.
- Poisonous Plant Elective: Provides images of poisonous plants organized by type of toxicity and including both scientific and common names.
Government Sites |
- Access Washington: Official State Government Website
- ATSDR, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry: The mission of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry provides health information to prevent harmful exposures and disease related to toxic substances.
- AWIC, Animal Welfare Information Center, USDA:
AWIC provides information for improved animal care and use in research, teaching, and testing. Includes information on searching for alternatives to use of
animals in research.
- CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is recognized as the lead federal agency for protecting the health and safety of people.
- Clinical, NIH & NLM Current information about clinical trials from NIH and NLM. Search by disease, location, treatment, sponsor, or browse by funding organization.
- Code of Federal Regulations The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments
and agencies of the Federal Government. It is divided into 50 titles that represent broad areas subject to Federal regulation.
- Current Clinical Research Studies, NIH:
Collection of research studies being conducted at the NIH Clinical Center.
- Enviro-Health Links, Disaster Recovery and Environmental Health, NLM: A list of web sites that provide information on preparation for and recovery from disasters.
- Environmental Health Perspectives: A monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health
- FDA, Food and Drug Administration:
- Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, FDA: Access new prescription drug approvals, link to major drug information pages, find prescription drug, consumer drug, over-the-counter drug and
clinical trials information. Also covered: drug safety & side effects; public health alerts & warning letters.
- Center for Veterinary Medicine, FDA: Includes the Green Book, listing of all FDA-approved animal drugs
and methods for use, and other FDA/CVM regulatory materials.
- Public Use Forms & How to Obtain Them, FDA: Online forms catalog lists all available FDA forms, sorted alphabetically, numerically and by subject.
- IDB, International Data Base: U.S. Census Bureau's computerized database containing statistical tables of demographic and socioeconomic data for numerous countries and areas of the world.
- MMWR, Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report: The data in the weekly MMWR are provisional, based on weekly reports to CDC by state health departments.
- National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health: Supports research in complementary and alternative medicine through training of researchers. And provides information to the public about which complementary
and alternative medicine modalities work and which do not work, and why.
- National Institutes of Health Public Access Policy: The Public Access Policy ensures that the public has access to the published results of NIH-funded research.
- NIH, National Institutes of Health: The NIH is one of eight health agencies of the Public Health Service.
- NIH Clinical Alerts and Advisories: Links to findings from the NIH-funded clinical trials that could significantly affect morbidity and mortality.
- NLM, National Library of Medicine: The National Library of Medicine (NLM) collects materials in all areas of biomedicine and health care, as well as works on biomedical aspects of technology, the humanities, and the physical sciences, life sciences, and social sciences.
- Office of Animal Care and Use, NIH: Information resource for scientists on NIH policy and assistance for institutional Care and Use committees.
- Travelers' Health, CDC
- Vital Records, National Center for Health Statistics:
Alphabetical directory of information on where to write for copies of certificates of birth, death, marriage, divorce and other vital statistics for all US states/territories.
- Washington State Department of Health
- Washington State University, Government Documents
Reference Resources |
The following are primarily health-related reference resources. Please contact us if you have a specific question:
- ACQWEB Directory of Publishers and Vendors: Global list of book publishers, vendors, and organizations.
- Acronyms and Initialisms for Health Information Resources: An index of acronyms for organizations that produce health, medical, and veterinary sciences information with many links to corresponding organization websites.
Information in English and French.
- AgriGator, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences: Index of links for agriculture, the environment, weather, biotechnology and Internet searching tools.
- Altweb: Created to serve as a gateway for information on alternatives to animal testing.
- Features basic and scientific calculators, plus a directory of "calculators" for specific fields i.e. radiotherapy equivalent dose, as well as converters
for currency, units, and time zones.
- A collection of resources related to calculators
- Contacting the Congress: Congressional contact information: email and ground mail addresses, homepage links.
- eICD, electronic International Classification of Disease:
Provides free access to current ICD-9-CM and HCPCS medical coding data.
- Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, National Research Council's Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources.
- Health Hippo: Collection of policy and regulatory materials related to health care.
- ILAR, Institute for Laboratory Animal Research: Provides technical information on laboratory animals and other biological research.
- Instructions to Authors, Veterinary Medicine Library Virginia Tech:Instructions for authors of vetmed/health science journal articles.
- Instructions for Authors, Veterinary Medical Library University of Minnesota: Instructions for authors of vetmed/health science journal articles.
- Instructions to Authors in the Health Sciences, University of Toledo: Instructions for authors of vetmed/health science journal articles.
- Journal Browser, NCBI: Search for journals indexed in PubMed.
- Laboratory Animal Research, National Academies Press: Links to full-text books on aspects of laboratory animal welfare.
- Material Safety Data Sheets
- MeSH, Medical Subject Headings, PubMed:
Search the National Library of Medicine's thesaurus used for indexing articles in PubMed.
- Site features medical dictionary and in-depth consumer health information on diseases, conditions, procedures,
tests and medications.
- Online Medical Dictionary: Includes definitions of medical terms with some biological and other scientific terms.
- Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
- Universal Currency Converter: Allows online interactive foreign exchange rate conversions with live rates.
- University of California Center for Animal Alternatives (UCCAA): The Center places special emphasis on disseminating information concerning models, computer programs, and other animal alternatives in education through every level of public and private education.
- Veterinary Abbreviations and Acronyms, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sites for Pet Owners |
- WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital
- AKC, American Kennel Club: A good source of information on dogs, especially the recognized breeds.
- APLB, Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement: A non-profit organization dedicated to helping people during this very special kind of bereavement.
- Care for Animals, AVMA:
Includes pet care recommendations, owners' stories and plenty of information for kids with worksheets and animation.
- Consultant: Search for veterinary diagnosis based upon species, signs, keywords.
- Cornell Feline Health Center
- Humane Society of the United States:
- Model Pet Ownership Policy, ASPCA
- Pet Care Bibliography, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Provides a dictionary of veterinary terms, a table of abbreviations/acronyms, information
on common drugs and nutraceuticals, and a list of weights, measurements and conversions.
- Whitman County Humane Society
- Vetinfo: A Veterinary Information Service: Veterinary health information relating to dogs and cats.
Citation Help |