Animal Health Library

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Reference Services

    Reference Services  Reference Services
    Electronic Form for Reference Questions  Electronic Form for Reference Questions
    Reference Service at other WSU Libraries  Reference Service at other WSU Libraries

Reference ServicesTop of pageNext section

The Animal Health Library Reference Service provides assistance in finding and using printed and electronic materials for veterinary subject areas. The reference Librarian can assist users in locating factual information, selecting and using resources for reports, assignments, and research, and learning to use library and information resources.

A reference librarian is normally available between 8am and 5pm weekdays to offer assistance. You may also send an inquiry using the electronic form below.

The Reference Librarians also work with specific subject areas to:

The reference collection contains dictionaries, handbooks, encyclopedias, and other information. Abstracts and indexes are also available to aid in the location of journal articles and research reports. Major indexes and abstracts include:

Electronic versions of the above are available for searching without charge if you visit the library in person.

Electronic Form for Reference QuestionsTop of pageNext section

The Animal Health Library's electronic reference service is primarily provided for the faculty, students, and staff of Washington State University, and veterinarians. We also serve the general public on a time-available basis.

The reference Librarian will provide information or referrals in the areas of veterinary and comparative medicine. Please contact another of the WSU Libraries or your local public library if your question is in other areas.

Please note that your question will go to a librarian, not a health care provider (such as a veterinarian, pharmacist, doctor, or nurse). We cannot make diagnoses, or suggest treatments. We CAN help you locate information. We will try to respond to your question within two working days. If you need a response more quickly, phone (509)335-9556 or come to the Animal Health Library in Wegner 120 and talk with the librarian.

For general health information, visit our Links page.

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Email address: (required)
Make sure it is accurate!

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Fax number:

WSU Dept. OR city and state: (required)


To submit your question(s), press this button:

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Reference Service at other WSU LibrariesTop of pageNext section

For information on reference services at other WSU Libraries, consult the general Information and Reference Services page.