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[ Fulfilling a Legacy ]
[ The Nature of the Regla Papers and Their Value for Scholars ] [ Arrangement of the Papers and Use of the Guide ] [ Gaines Sequence ] [ Gastine-Fieler Sequence ]
[ Jesuit Haciendas Sequence ] [ Charts, Maps, Proclamations, Genealogies ]
[ Microfilm Sequence ] [ Index ]


Gastine-Fieler Sequence

230. Cuenta del Convento de San Agustín. 1859. 8 l.

An account of debts and interest owed to the convent for services rendered and of debts owed by the Convent of San Agustín. Also, a transfer of possesions by Miguel Cervantes to his son, Miguel Cervantes Estanillo.

231. Concesión de pasaporte a Juan Romero de Terreros. 1853. 8 l.

Request by Juan Romero de Terreros of a Spanish passport and citizenship—accepted. He states his intention to move from Mexico to Spain.

232. Copia de los títulos de la casa _____. 1718-1771. 59 l.

Copy of several titles which include the will of María Cortés de Arteaza Barón, petitions, testimonios, autos, and posesiones. The cover and first pages are damaged.

233. Testamento de Pedro Romero de Terreros. 1780-1867. 111 l.

Documents concerning Rafael García, acting as the representative for the deceased Pedro José Romero de Terreros, 3rd Conde de Regla. A testament identifies who will be the next owner of the Hacienda de la Concepción. In addition, many legal documents such as autos and cartas de poder concern the Hacienda de la Concepción de Pachuca, its furnishings and farm equipment, while others are concerned with mines, such as the Minas de Santa Ana.

234. Información ad perpetuam promovida por el ciudadano José de Jesús Cervantes. 1827, 1856-1861. 81 l.

A collection of papers pertaining to an extended series of legal actions involving the Hacienda de la Concepcíon and the City of Capula. Issues in dispute are discrepancies in legal ownership of the hacienda and boundary line definitions, especially near the forest lands. Also included are documents relating to mines and the hacienda, along with letters written by José Cervantes to the hacienda, and receipts.

235. Obligación financiera. 1692. 1 l.

A statement of financial obligation between Manuel Alejandro Barba and Don Gonzalo de Cervantes Casaus, given at Mexico City.

236. Papeles de Gaspar de Osorio. 1749. 4 l.

A portion of the civil proceedings involving distribution of property among the Osorio family. Also included is a description of the family background of Gaspar de Osorio, owner of a hacienda in the Jurisdiction of Huichapan.

237. Testimonio a la letra de la información que, a pedido del señor don Manuel Rodríguez Sáenz de Pedroso, se recibió sobre tres puntos conducentes a la fundación del mayorazgo que otorgó con el tercio y parte del quinto de sus bienes. 1770. 21 l.


The Regla Papers

Documents concerning the estate and mayorazgo of Manuel Rodríguez Sáenz de Pedroso, Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala.

238. Testimonio de los méritos de haber sido el señor Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala, Prior y Cónsul del Real Tribunal del Consulado. 1770. 6 l.

Testimonies on the merits of Manuel Rodríguez de Pedroso, Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala.

239. Testimonio de información de los méritos del señor Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala. 1770. 14 l.

Further testimonies of the merits of Manuel Rodríguez de Pedroso, Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala.

240. Testamento del señor don Manuel Rodríguez Sáenz de Pedroso, Caballero Profesor de la Orden de Santiago y Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala. 1765. 33 l.

The will of Manuel Rodríguez de Pedroso, Conde de San Bartolomé, containing details of land distribution.

241. Reales Cédulas del Título de Castilla Conde de Regla. (Exento de la contribución de lanzas por haberse redimido.) Despacho de sucesión que se libró en favor del señor don Pedro Ramón Romero de Terreros, Conde segundo del mismo título, y su aprobación en Madrid. 1770-1789. 24 l.

Documents and royal dispatches from Carlos III and Carlos IV addressed to Pedro Ramón Romero de Terreros pertaining to his succession to the title
of Conde de Regla, and the exemption from payment of lanzas to the royal
government. Also includes the granting of Title of Castile, Conde de Regla.

242. Papeles de José Musientes Urbina. 1796-1809. 7 l.

Papers pertaining to the land and house owned by José Musientes y Urbina, some tracing ownership. Also included is a letter of financial obligation by Musientes to the Church. Other papers pertain to taxes and mortgages.

243. Testamento de Juan Antonio de Santa Ana. 1792. 35 l.

The will of Juan Antonio de Santa Ana, drawn in Salamanca. The document details how his wealth is to be divided among several children, explains the disinheritance of a daughter and son-in-law, and tells what he bequeaths to the Church.

244. Información concerniente al testamento del Conde de Regla. 1742. 4 l.

Correspondence pertaining to the will of Pedro Romero de Terreros, First Conde de Regla, explaining some of its clauses.

245. Título de Hábito de Caballero de la Orden de Calatrava. 1802. 4 l.

Two royal documents pertaining to Don José Villar Villamil y Primo's entrance into the Orden de Calatrava. Villamil was a Lieutenant of Grenadiers of the Provincial Regiment of Infantry of Mexico City and Caballero Maestrante of the Royal Patrol, Subdelegate of the Intendants of the City of Tacuba.

246. Certificaciones relativas a la legitimidad, limpieza de sangre, hidalguía y nobleza de don Pedro José María Romero de Terreros Trebuesto y Dávalos Rodríguez de Pedroso Cotera y Rivas Cacho, y de los méritos y servicios de su padre y de su abuelo, los señores Condes de Santa María de Regla. 1803. 24 l.

Two copies of papers detailing lineage and nobility of Pedro José Romero de Terreros, later Third Conde de Regla, and merits and services of family



Gastine-Fieler Sequence


247. Autos seguidos por el señor Marqués de Salvatierra sobre la entrega de la Hacienda de Tulancalco. 1790s-1812. 93 l.

Documents pertaining to ownership and management of the Hacienda de Tulancalco, owned by Doña María Josefa de Velasco de Ovando. Includes inventories and financial records of land and wealth.

248. Real Provisión para que el Justicia de Texcoco notifíque al arrendatario de la hacienda y molino que se expresa, acuda con las rentas al Marqués de Salvatierra y no a otra persona, bajo pena de segunda paga, como demanda la Real Audiencia. 1810-1812. 55 l.

Royal documents pertaining to land rental agreements in the Texcoco area, in particular the Hacienda Molino del Batán. Addressed to José de Velasco Urrutia de Vergara.

249. Papeles de Urrutia de Vergara Flores de Valdés y de Rodríguez de Pedroso, Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala. undated. 53 l.

Financial records, printed documents concerning army service and wealth of members of the Urrutia de Vergara and Flores de Valdés families; also documents pertaining to land disputes within the Pachuca mining district and boundary disputes concerning Hacienda la Concepción; and a lawsuit over succession of the mayorazgo of the Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala.

250. Testamento del señor Conde de Regla. Cuenta de división, partición, y aprobación del Superior Gobierno. 1770s. 217 l.

Will of Pedro Romero de Terreros, First Conde de Regla, detailing the distribution of his property. Included is a comprehensive inventory of assets, lands, and haciendas, including the division of his unentailed estates among his three daughters.

251. Inventario de la Hacienda de Jalpa, propiedad del señor don Manuel Terreros. 1850s-1860s. 50 l.

Extensive inventory lists of property pertaining to Hacienda de Jalpa; includes inventories, accounts, property descriptions, and maguey production records. The property then was owned by Manuel Romero de Terreros.

252. Testimonio de las diligencias de posesión de la hacienda nombrada Santa Rosa de la Florida que fue del Colegio Máximo de San Pedro y San Pablo. 1776. 85 l.

Documents describing the land and property of the Hacienda Santa Rosa de la Florida, once owned by the Jesuits of the Colegio Máximo de San Pedro y San Pablo; the papers detail the conditions of ownership by the Conde de Regla.

253. Carta dotal de la señora Condesa de Regla. 1785. 63 l.

The dowry, listing jewelry, household effects, clothing, slaves, and property, of the Second Condesa de Regla, María Josefa Rodríguez de Pedroso y Cotera, daughter of the Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala, Antonio Rodríguez de Pedroso.

254. Papeles de la familia Romero de Terreros. 1780s-1898. 91 l.

A collection of unbound papers that includes information on the family tree of Romero de Terreros, along with family business contracts, papers concerning titles and nobility, an inventory of furniture, documents regarding inheritance matters, land rentals and crop production, and personal letters. Most materials are from the mid-19th century. A document from 1848, in English,


The Regla Papers

concerns the Real del Monte Mining Company. Other documents, these from the 1770s, concern water rights and include a letter by Marcos Morales.

255. Testimonio a la letra del poder para testar que otorgaron los albaceas del Bachiller don José Antonio Sánchez Rojo, Presbítero. 1772. 100 l.

The will and testament of José Antonio Sánchez Rojo, priest, naming his executors and the conditions of the will.

256. Testimonio de don Manuel Joaquín Hermosa. 1804. 16 l.

The will and testament of Manuel Joaquín Hermosa, Colonel in the Royal Army at Mexico City, containing clauses stating how property, some of which was inherited from José Antonio Sánchez Rojo, should be divided.

257. Escritura de adjudicación de la casas números catorce y diez y siete de la Calzada de Belén, otorgada por el excelentísimo señor Gobernador del Distrito, a favor de los señores Morales Puente y Compañía. 1857-1861. 11 l.

Documents relating to disputes over land and taxes. Many concern Cayetano Rubio and certain Velasco properties that appear to have been involved in the Sánchez Rojo will.

258. Papeles incidentales a los autos sobre la denuncia que hace don José Frago de varios capitales y fincas de las testamentarías del Presbítero Sánchez Rojo. 1859-1863. 28 l.

Civil court papers on the status of property inherited from José Antonio Sánchez Rojo, with discussion of the intent of some clauses in the Rojo will.

259. El señor Licenciado don Luis G. Morellán, en representación de la muy Reverenda Madre Priora del Convento de San Bernardo, contra la testamentaría del Bachiller don Antonio Sánchez Rojo. 1772, 1861. 62 l.

Civil court papers, including attorney's briefs challenging, defending, or interpreting clauses of the Sánchez Rojo will.

260. Poder general otorgado por el señor Licenciado don Manuel de Castañeda y Nájera, a favor del señor Licenciado don Manuel Siliceos. 1862-1863. 20 l.

Civil court papers and testimonies pertaining to the Sánchez Rojo will.

261. Don José Frago denuncia varios capitales y fincas de la testamentaría del Padre don José Antonio Sánchez Rojo. 1862-1869. 94 l.

An extensive, detailed report on Sánchez Rojo will by José Frago y Neira. Also included are lists of property and money pertaining to the will and documents from the Dirección de Beneficencia.

262. Litigio promovido por el Sr. Licenciado don Mariano Navarro, como apoderado general de don Miguel Cervantes, contra don José María Islas sobre pesos y desocupación de los terrenos que tiene arrendados el segundo en la Hacienda de San Javier. 1864-1867. 140 l.

Statements, financial records, letters, testimonies, and judicial rulings relating to civil legal proceedings between Miguel Cervantes, husband of Matilde Romero de Terreros, and his tenant, José María Islas, concerning payment of rent for the Hacienda de San Javier.

263. Don Francisco Zazo y Rosillo, Cronista y Rey de Armas más antíguo de la Católica Majestad, Señor don Carlos Tercero, Rey de España y Emperador de la América. 1750s-1770s. 64 l.



Gastine-Fieler Sequence


A compilation prepared by Don Francisco Zazo y Rosillo, Chronicler and "king at arms," consisting of records on the family lineage of Vicente de Leis of Guadalajara showing his relationship to the families named Ocampo, Maldonado, Mendoza, and Oca. Also documents containing testimonies of his deeds and services, both civil and military, including his service as Alcalde Mayor of Taxpan and Zapotlan and the collection of the pulque tax.

264. La Constitución de la Orden de Guadalupe. 1809-1823, 1870s. 70 l.

A copy of the Constitution of the Orden Imperial de Guadalupe, a knightly order proposed by the Emperor Iturbide, along with other printed documents pertaining to this new Mexican organization. Also includes papers pertaining to Pedro José Romero de Terreros' government appointments, and appointments of the Second and Third Condes de Regla as Gentilhombres de Cámara under the Spanish Monarchy. Also papers pertaining to the Hacienda San Javier in the 1870s.

265. Certificación de nobleza e hidalguía de la familia Cantabrana. 1640s. 34 l.

Records of the family background of the Cantabrana family, showing fitness for royal office; includes hand-painted coat of arms.

266. Testimonio mandado dar por la Real Audiencia de México, con citación del señor Fiscal de los instrumentos que autorizados y comparados en forma, presentó don Antonio Eugenio de Santalla Melgarejo. 1770s. 66 l.

Bound documents of the Real Audiencia of Mexico City pertaining to the Santalla family and its background and fitness for royal office.

267. Papeles concernientes a la familia de Ambrosio Tomás Santalla Melgarejo. 1720s-1730s. 322 l.

Papers detailing the lineage of the family of Ambrosio Tomás Santalla Melgarejo; included is an index that lists testimonies, baptismal certificates, and information on the family; also hand-painted coats-of-arms and several fold-out geneological charts. Included a diploma of law degree of Ambrosio Tomás Santalla Melgarejo.

268. Testimonio de los instrumentos y papeles que comprueban los méritos y servicios del Licenciado don Alonso de Avellafuertes, Caballero de la Orden de Alcántara. 1713. 228 l.

Record of the various royal offices and services performed by Alonso de Avellafuertes, including his activities in Spain, the Philippines, and Mexico, and his service as administrator and lawyer.

269. Papeles y recados de méritos y servicios del señor Licenciendo don Alonso de Avellafuertes, Caballero de la Orden de Alcántara, del Consejo de Su Majestad, Oidor de la Real Audiencia y Canciller de la Ciudad de México, Cabeza de la Nueva España. 1680s. 67 l.

Record of the duties of Alonso de Avellafuertes as a royal official and lawyer, principally in the Philippines in connection with the Real Audiencia.

270. Aprobación por Su Majestad de la transacción celebrada sobre el pleito del Mayorazgo de Jala. 1772. 128 l.

Royal documents of Carlos III approving the transactions of the mayorazgo and the division of the estate of the Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala, Don Manuel Rodríguez Sáenz de Pedroso, husband of María Josefa Rodríguez de Pedroso, father of José Julián Rodríguez de Pedroso and María Francisca Pablo Fernández.


The Regla Papers

271. Testamento de doña Ana Urrutia de Vergara. 1720(?). 17 l.

Will of Ana Urrutia de Vergara, widow of Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés; document incomplete. Document distinguishes assets not to be included in a mayorazgo founded by her ancestors from those inherited from other relatives. Also a fragment: Posesión del Molino a Juan de Benavides, en nombre de Bernardino Justiniano, año de 1639.

272. Inventario de papeles que hizo don Hipólito. 1730s-1820. 80 l.

A detailed inventory of the Conde de Regla's papers. Includes lists of dispatches, testimonies, court records, land and financial records, and property inventories.

273. Inventario de los papeles pertenecientes al señor Conde de Regla, Marqués de San Cristóbal, Conde de Jala y Marqués de Villahermosa, Gentilhombre de Cámara de Su Majestad, Caballero Maestrante de la Real Maestranza de Sevilla, y Capitán de la Real Guardia de Alabarderos. 1817-1819. 48 l.

An inventory of Regla Papers from 1760s to 1800s pertaining to legal, land, property, and inheritance matters.

274. Evaluación del testamento del Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala, Manuel Rodríguez de Pedroso. 1772. 70 l.

Audit of the will and mayorazgo of Manuel Rodríguez de Pedroso, Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala, initiated by his son-in-law, Francisco Leandro de Viaña.

275. 1) Inventario del archivo de la testamentaría del señor don Pedro Romero Terreros y Villamil; 2) papeles entregados al Licenciado don Domingo Saviñon; 3) lista de los papeles que se han separado de los existentes en el archivo del señor don Manuel Terreros por pertenecer a la testamentaría del finado señor don Pedro de Terreros. 1842. 8 l.

Three fragmentary inventories of papers of the third Conde de Regla, Pedro José Romero de Terreros, and those of persons concerned with the estate left at his death.

276. Auto. 1677. 1 l.

Writ issued by Capitán Gonzalo Gómez de Cervantes, Mayor of Los Angeles, granting freedom to Juan de Bonilla, mulatto, on grounds of his being a natural son of Esteban de Oseguera Seguera, Spaniard, and Luisa Bonilla, a mulatto slave belonging to María Prieto de Bonilla.

277. Petición. 1656. 1 l.

Petition by Juan Astudillo, on behalf of Juan de Vera Betancur, for copy of documents pertaining to Betancur's qualifications and offices.

278. Auto. 1647. 1 l.

Writ issued by the Mayor of Los Angeles, Don Agustín de Valdés y Portugal, ordering Captain Juan de Hinestroso to surrender a slave to the Convent of San Agustín and that Hinestroso be given copies of the proceedings.

279. Petición. 1665. 2 l.

Petition by Pedro de Luey Escandón to be declared heir to the estate of Damiana María de Luey, his sister; writ ordering report by de Luey be admitted; presentation of witness by Luey.

280. Autos hechos por el Alcalde Mayor en razón de la cobranza de tributos de los indios viandantes. 1626. 8 l.



Gastine-Fieler Sequence


Printed writs concerning transient Indians, mulattos, and free blacks. Also, writ issued by the Alcalde of Los Angeles restating the instructions in the viceregal writ, along with a report by Miguel López, governor of the city, about the difficulties in tracking transient Indians and raising revenues from them.

281. Títulos de las tierras que pertenecen a la hacienda de riego, que llaman del Batán, que posee el señor don Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés en la Jurisdicción de Texcoco. 1576-1740. 111 l.

Documents pertaining to land transactions involving the Hacienda Batán in Texcoco, including deeds, bills of sale, posesiones, and land grants. Some papers record land transactions in the area of Hacienda San Bartolomé and show land sales involving Luis de Dueñas of Mexico City and Francisco Fernández of Texcoco. Also includes bills of sale and land titles of properties owned by the Flores de Valdés family. A smaller volume inside (letter-size), written in the 1590s, traces land transactions of Batán and other haciendas in the Texcoco area.

The assembled documents trace the background of the Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés family and its lands from the time of the original land grants by the King until the time of Diego Flores.

282. Testamento que otorgó doña María de Bonilla Bastida, mujer del Maestre de Campo don Antonio Urrutia de Vergara. 1674. 50 l.

The will of María de Bonilla Bastida, wife of Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.

283. Copia autorizada en forma de testamento que hizo el Maestre de Campo don Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés. 1715. 7 l.

A copy of the will of Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.

284. Toma de posesión de las Haciendas Concepción y otras en la Jurisdicción de Texcoco, por los jesuítas. 1749. 3 l.

Documents pertaining to Jesuit possession of Haciendas Concepción, San Bernardino, La Soledad, Santa Ana, and San Pablo, all near Texcoco. Some papers show land transactions by Diego Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés and indicate the boundaries of the haciendas.

285. Copia del testamento auténtico del difunto señor don Diego Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés, por el que dejó sus bienes libres en favor del Convento de Santa Clara de México. 1772. 8 l.

Will bequeathing the lands of Diego Urrutia de Vergara to the Convento de Santa Clara.

286. Papeles de Ana María Pedemonte de Terreros. 1848. 4 l.

Receipts, letters, and statements of Ana María Pedemonte de Terreros concerning the attempts to raise money for the medical care of her son, Angel Terreros y Pedemonte.

287. Título de Contador del Juzgado General de Bienes de Difuntos en la Real Audiencia de esta Nueva España. 1804. 25 l.

Royal documents of Carlos IV pertaining to the Royal Haciendas and the accountant in charge of the records, Manuel Francisco de Sosa.

288. Autos hechos sobre el cumplimiento del testamento de doña Luisa de Ayala que otorgó en 4 de noviembre de dicho año. 1588-1590. 48 l.

A list of items in the will of Luisa de Ayala.


The Regla Papers

289. Día de celebración de San Hipólito. 1714. 25 l.

Descriptions of the proper way to celebrate the day of San Hipólito in commemoration of the conquest of Mexico City.

290. Papeles de distribución territorial de minería. 1824. 8 l.

Papers pertaining to the ownership of various mines by María Trinidad Palo, and her case before the Diputación Territorial de Minería.

291. Papeles del Marqués de Salvatierra, de Juan Romero de Terreros, y de Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés. 1600-1850s. 107 l.

Papers of the Marqués de Salvatierra from the early 1800s including financial accounts of his land holdings and rentals, in particular the Hacienda del Batán y Molino in the Jurisdiction of Texcoco; extensive account records of products from the lands of Juan Romero de Terreros, Conde de Jala in the 1850s; papers from the late 1600s concerning lands owned by Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés, and receipts and accounts from the 1850s of property owned by Juan Romero de Terreros; pulque records from the Hacienda Bartolomé de Jala in the Jurisdiction of Pachuca; printed decree of 1777 concerning rental of royal lands; and other papers concerning land rentals in the Jurisdiction of Metepec.

This group of papers consists of several sequences of fragments.

292. Carta de sucesión en el Título de Marqués de San Cristóbal por don Pedro José Romero de Terreros, Conde de Regla. 1815-1817. 30 l.

Papers pertaining to the death of the Conde de Regla's uncle, the Marqués de San Cristóbal, and the disposition of his lands. Included is a discussion of the succession of royal titles from the Marqués de San Cristóbal to Don Pedro José Romeros de Terreros, Third Conde de Regla, in three documents.

293. Escritura de obligación que hicieron los naturales Texcoco a favor de Francisco Hernández de la Puente por 4.666 que les prestó para los tributos rezagados que debían, con una carta de justicia para su recaudación. 1569-1575. 17 l.

Loan agreement between the Indians of Texcoco and Francisco Hernández de la Puente for the payment of overdue tributes. Documents are signed by the leading natives of the town.

294. Capellanías. 1700-1740. 33 l.

Documents concerning capellanías, chiefly their establishment by parties such as Diego Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés and María Bonilla.

295. Papeles de don Manuel Romero de Terreros. 1850s. 7 l.

Accounts showing holdings that comprise the mayorazgo of the Marqués de Salvatierra; a letter to Manuel Romero de Terreros from Percy Doyle; and papers concerning the estate of Manuel Romero de Terreros.

296. Copia del inventario de los papeles existentes en el archivo del señor Conde de Regla. 1860. 14 l.

List of papers in the Regla archives including records of hacienda management, mining, business correspondence, deeds, and inventories.

297. Papeles relativos al Monte de Piedad. 1770s-1897. 230 l.

Records relating to the Monte de Piedad of Mexico City, established by the Conde de Regla. Includes descriptions of the amount and uses of the fund and its administration; royal government and church documents lauding the Conde de Regla for his patronage; minute books; and official acts of the Monte de Piedad.



Gastine-Fieler Sequence


Includes correspondence and documents from the 1890s addressed to Manuel Terreros; also, blank promissory notes.

298. Testimonio a la letra de la información dada por el Capitán de Granaderos don José Julián Rodríguez García de Arellano, sobre su legitimidad, nobleza e hidalguía. 1767. 150 l.

Records of the family background of José Julían Rodríguez García de Arellano, showing his fitness for royal citation for service, includes lineages for the Rodríguez de Pedroso, Arellano, and Romero de Terreros families.

299. Méritos y servicios del señor don Pedro Romero de Terreros Ochoa y Castilla, Caballero de la Orden de Calatrava, Conde Primero de Santa María de Regla. 1740s-1830s. 188 l.

A cuaderno of two sections: section one contains thirty-seven documents (plus an index) recording various activities of Pedro Ramón Romero de Terreros, including certification of positions and royal citations for service; section two contains thirty documents (plus an index) detailing the service record of Pedro Ramón Romero de Terreros and certification of his royal appointments, such as Alguacíl Mayor. Section three is a fifteen-part text detailing activities of Manuel Rodríguez de Pedroso, Conde de San Bartolomé de Jala and his son Antonio Rodríguez Soria Villarroel.

300. Títulos de la casa Nos. 11 y 12 de la calle del Indio Triste. 1870. 108 l.

Bills of sale (one with furniture inventory) for two houses on the Calle del Indio Triste. These were sold by Cayetano Rubio to Miguel Cervantes; the documents trace past ownership of the land and houses back to the 1780s, when the property was assigned to a mayorazgo.

301. Testamento de doña María de Bonilla. 1675. 48 l.

The will and related documents of María de Bonilla Bastida, wife of Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.

302. Papeles de doña María de Bonilla. 1667. 13 l.

Records of lands and ownership of María de Bonilla; incomplete.

303. Testimonio del repartimiento que se hizo para la composición de tierras. 1674. 5 l.

A fragmentary document, relating to the legalization of ownership of estates and mills in Texcoco, said properties owned by Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Flores de Valdés.

304. Documentos del Bachiller don Mariano Toraya. 1802. 26 l.

Portions of records kept by Mariano Antonio de Toraya, a priest. Includes degrees and certificates that he received.

305. El Amante de la Religión, del Rey y de la Constitución. n.d. 7 l.

Fragmentary documents, describing the relationship of the Church to the Royal Government and Constitution. These appear to be the texts of speeches or sermons by Mariano Toraya.

306. Papeles de señor don Juan Terreros entregados por don Miguel Cervantes. 1800-1860s; chiefly 1850s. 159 l.

Records of business, legal, and family matters of Juan Romero de Terreros and his uncle Miguel Cervantes, including the Hacienda de Jala.

307. Manifiesto de derecho que asiste al Conde de Regla. 1795. 127 l.


The Regla Papers

Printed report of the lawsuit between the heirs of the Conde de Regla and the Real Hacienda over properties granted the Jesuits and later acquired at auction by the Conde de Regla. This suit concerned alleged undervaluation of the properties. The Real Audiencia decided in favor of the Regla heirs. Two copies.

308. Inventario y aprecio de los bienes que quedaron por muerte del Capitán Juan de Torres, Regidor de México. 1693. 22 l.

Documents concerned with execution of the estate of Juan de Torres, including inventories of the estate; also includes two scripts of pageants or plays with religious themes.

309. Nombramiento de tutor que el ciudadano Miguel Jerónimo López de Peralta Urrutia de Vergara Albornoz y Cervantes, como padre legítimo del ciudadano José María Cervantes y Estanillo, hizo en el de igual clase, Ignacio Antonio Salamanca, Procurador de esta Excelentísima Audiencia Territorial. 1825-1829. 19 l.

Papers regarding the mayorazgo of Urrutia de Vergara, owned by Miguel Cervantes, and its administration by Ignacio Salamanca, guardian of José María Cervantes.

310. Borrador de la posesión de mayorazgo, sus títulos y papeles, que aprehendió don Diego Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés. 1728. 8 l.

Inventory of a house, part of the mayorazgo founded by Antonio Urrutia de Vergara and Francisca de Bonilla.

311. Real Despacho en que Su Majestad concede al señor don Pedro Romero de Terreros el Privilegio de Hidalguía. 1752. 15 l.

Two royal documents of Fernando VI pertaining to the nobility and privileges of Pedro Romero de Terreros.

312. Papeles de la Jurisdicción de Pachuca. undated, ca. 1850. 36 l.

Report to courts discussing various land boundaries of villages in the Jurisdiction of Pachuca. The reports consist chiefly of Spanish translations of land concessions given by the Indians and recorded in the native languages.

313. Título de Regidor y Alguacil Mayor de la Ciudad de Querétaro del señor Conde de Regla, de la Orden de Calatrava. 1769, 1778. 14 l.

Royal appointments by Carlos III, granted to Pedro Romero de Terreros, first Conde de Regla.

314. Testimonio de la fundación del tercer mayorazgo que, previa la Real Licencia de Su Majestad, instituyó el señor don Pedro de Terreros, Caballero que fue de la Orden de Calatrava, Conde de Regla, con los vínculos y condiciones que están en este testimonio. 1766-1785. 35 l.

Copies of royal decrees from Carlos III granting the Conde de Regla the privilege to found and to add land to his mayorazgos; also papers discussing succession to the estate of the Conde.

315. Información rendida por el Licenciado Mar ano Navarro. 1874. 7 l.

A portion of the proceedings in a legal action before the court at Otumba in which Mariano Navarro acted for Miguel Cervantes in collection of debts owed by José María Islas for the Hacienda de San Javier.

316. Petición al Consejo Real. 1809. 9 l.



Gastine-Fieler Sequence


A petition to the Royal Council from María Josefa Rodríguez de Pedroso, Condesa de Regla, requesting that the deceased Conde de Regla's son, Pedro José Romero de Terreros, be declared a count, as his father wished.

317. Papeles del Conde de Regla. 1810. 11 l.

Documents concerning the distribution of properties, and the succession to the title following the death of the second Conde de Regla, Pedro Ramón Romero de Terreros, in l809.

318. Papeles del Colegio de San Pedro y San Pablo, de Miguel Cervantes y Pedro José Romero de Terreros. 1809-1818, 1835-1839. 42 l.

A group of documents, including accounts, probably related to the Colegio de San Pedro y San Pablo; business correspondence from the 1830s, involving the executors of the estate of Josefa Velasco, chiefly Miguel Cervantes; and a document from 1830 describing the construction of new facilities at the Real Del Monte mine by British investors and Pedro José Romero de Terreros, with an account of the public celebration held at the mine.

319. Título de Conde de Regla. 1810-1811. 7 l.

Royal document of Fernando VII bestowing the title of Conde on Pedro José Romero de Terreros, third Conde de Regla.

320. Extracto de lo esencial que contienen los autos y diligencias que obran en esta oficina pertenecientes a las haciendas que fueron de los ex-jesuítas, que se remataron a favor del Sr. Conde de Regla. 1868. 24 l.

Abstracts of documents in the Archivo General de la Nación concerning Jesuit haciendas that were bought at auction by the Conde de Regla. Mentioned are legal disputes with villages, boundary disputes, valuations, and title claims. Most documents are dated in the years between 1750 and 1780.

321. Diligencias de posesión de la Hacienda de San Javier. 1777-1779. 156 l.

Documents pertaining to the Conde de Regla's toma de posesión of various haciendas. Included are royal documents from Mexico City, along with letters and dispatches that involves Regla ownership of Hacienda de San Javier and other lands.

322. Mayorazgo de Jala. 1770-1830. 164 l.

Documents tracing the various land consolidations and divisions of the Mayorazgo de Jala, and ownership by the Romero de Terreros family in 1823. Included are papers pertaining to Haciendas San José Gasave y Coatepec, Calisco, Concepción Cuautenco y Coamilpa, and San Bartolomé de Jala. Also included is an inventory of the property owned by Pedro José Romero de Terreros, Conde de Regla in 1823.

323. Reales Provisiones, despachos y otros papeles anexos a las Haciendas Santa Lucía, San Javier, y sus anexas. 1580s-1750s. 131 l.

Papers pertaining to the landholdings of the Jesuit Colegio de San Pedro y San Pablo. Documents detail the Jesuit annexation of Hacienda de Chicavasco to their Santa Lucía holdings. Other papers specify the size of Jesuit-owned haciendas in the Tetepango area. Also included are: documents of hearings of composiciones de tierras to consolidate land titles; documents discussing the relationship between the Jesuits and Indians; papers and a map pertaining to animal farm sites and boundaries; and various land documents discussing Santa Lucía holdings and the formation of the Hacienda de Chicavasco.


The Regla Papers
Writ of execution in the name of Phillip II, 1565. Ruling regarding the measurement of land for properties near Mexico City. (No. 323)


Gastine-Fieler Sequence


324. Testamento de don Francisco Fernández Dávila, Caballero de la Orden de Santiago, que murió en el mar. 1670s. 50 l.

The will of Francisco Fernández Dávila, Caballero de Santiago, a Peruvian landowner who died and was buried at sea. Included is testimony of witnesses to his death and papers that pertain to the division of this estate. This cuaderno was not part of the original Regla papers but added later. Its provenance is not clear.

325. Fundación de un mayorazgo en España a favor de una sobrina, como consta de este libro. 1802. 31 l.

Documents relating to the bequest by Pedro González de Noriega to his niece, María Ramóna González de Noriega, on the occasion of her marriage to Manuel del Torno, and the effects of the marriage upon entailed property assigned to a mayorazgo.

The document is not part of the Regla papers transfered to Washington State University, but is of separate provenance. Its relationship to the Regla papers is unclear.

326. Este libro es de los señores Caballeros Cocheros del SSMC. 1808. 34 l.

Documents and papers pertaining to the business, proper protocol, and organization of the Congregación de Caballeros Cocheros Españoles del Divinísimo Señor Sacramento. This cuaderno is of provenance separate from the main Regla papers. It involves an organization with which members of the Urrutia de Vergara family were concerned.

327. Títulos de mayorazgo. 1525-1672, 1700s. 20 l.

Papers pertaining to haciendas owned by Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés. Includes ruling on composiciones de tierras, discussion of land use, land grants, and documents about water rights.

328. Copias de los contratos de las negociaciones de las minas de la Veta Vizcaína y sus anexas con la Compañiá Inglesa Aviadora de las Minas y la Casa de Regla. 1824. 60 l.

Contracts and documents relative to the formation of companies to raise capital for mining activities. Provisions include: the raising of capital; how the mines are to be exploited; labor issues; and inventories of mines owned by Conde de Regla. The principal parties in the mining investments are Pedro José Romero de Terreros and an English company of mining capital investors. Other documents involve territorial disputes in the Pachuca mining district. An inventory of the mines and equipment is also included. (Two copies)

329. Papeles de don Francisco Rangel Lozano y Fagoaga. 1600s-1830s. 106 l.

Genealogical documents concerning the Rangel family, including testaments; legal cases involving land, taxes, and tributes; papers pertaining to the division of estates; college degrees; baptismal certificates; printed church proclamations; the election of the Archbishop of Mexico; the challenge by Francisco Rangel Lozano y Fagoaga of a censorship ruling by the Junta Provincial de Censura; a manuscript by Manuel Rangel y Caballero de Córdoba; and printed documents concerning the Mexican—Iturbide—government in 1822.

This cuaderno was not part of the original Regla papers transferred to the United States. Although of separate provenance, it consists of documents concerning persons who appear to have been ancestors of one branch of the Romero de Terreros family.


The Regla Papers

330. Documentos acerca de la fundación del Nuevo Convento de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en la Ciudad de Valladolid. 1748-1777. 88 l.

Papers pertaining to the establishment of a convent at Vallalodid such as donations, descriptions of the church and houses, petitions, and decrees. Also included are documents detailing possession of lands and the acquisition of the Hacienda de Rincón, along with proclamations in Latin.

This cuaderno was not part of the original Regla papers. Its provenance not clear, nor is its relationship to the Regla family archives immediately apparent.

331. Fundación del Mayorazgo de la Marquesa del Salvatierra y otros mayorazgos con las posesiones dadas. 1600s. 179 l.

Estate papers of the Salvatierra Mayorazgo, including papers detailing the accumulation of the various haciendas and property included in the mayorazgo by, among others, the family of Gerónimo López de Peralta and the heirs to his estate.

332. Papeles de los blazones, nobleza e hidalguía de los abuelos maternos de la señora doña Ana Libertad Lobera Sansio Ulloa Talloni Cardozo. 1600s. 45 l.

Papers on family lineage, nobility, and deeds of various members of the Talloni family.

333. Fundación del Mayorazgo de los Peralta. 1679. 117 l.

Legal papers pertaining to the decision of three Peralta sisters to join the convent at Monastery of Santa María de Las Dueñas in Seville and renounce their inheritance in favor of their brother, Francisco Antonio Peralta.

334. Títulos de las Haciendas de San Cristóbal Buena Vista y la Hacienda de Temamatla. 1580s-1630s. 209 l.

Fifteen land titles for the Hacienda de San Cristóbal, indexed.

335. Obligación financiera. 1726. 1 l.

Declaration of obligation of payment to Diego Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.

336. Litigio de don Augustín de Urrutia de Vergara. 1690. 136 l.

Royal document signed by Carlos II concerning a lawsuit between Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores y Valdés and María de la Peña, widow of Juan Bautista Mendrisi, Auditor of the Tribunal de Cuentas of the Audiencia of Mexico, guardian for Manuel José de Mendrisi and María Antonia de Mendrisi.

337. La parte de doña Mariana Mejía Altamirano, viuda del Sargento Mayor don Agustín Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés, contra bienes de don Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés por el cumplimiento de su dotal. 1707, 1730, 1733. 24 l.

Claims against the Flores de Valdés estate by La Cofradía del Santísimo Sacramento, a religious society, along with an explanation of the property brought to the estate by Mariana Mejía Altamirano.

338. Concurso de acreedores a la hacienda nombrada Tlaixpan, en la Jurisdicción de Texcoco, para el pago de sus créditos. 1730. 118 l.

Proceeding by creditors against Hacienda Tlaixpan.



Gastine-Fieler Sequence


339. Segundo cuaderno de recados presentados en el concurso de acreedores a bienes que quedaron por muerte de don Antonio Urrutia Alfonso Vergara Flores de Valdés. 1732. 23 l.

Proceedings against the estate of Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.

340. Litigio del Bachiller Andrés Pérez Calderón, clérigo presbítero de este Arzobispado de México, contra bienes de don Antonio Urrutia Alfonso Vergara Flores de Valdés, y en especial contra la Hacienda nombrada San Miguel Tlaixpan en Jurisdicción de Texcoco. 1730s. 3 l.

Proceedings against the estate of Antonio Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés.

341. Papeles de la familia de Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés. 1673-1735. 156 l.

Papers regarding lawsuits, land records, wills, and distribution of wealth of the Urrutia de Vergara Alfonso Flores de Valdés family. Many are concerned with water rights once held by members of the Dueñas family, involving the Hacienda Molino de Flores. Also included are portions of the will of María Mejía Altamirano and documents concerning capellanías established by members of the Flores family.

342. Papeles de Juan Romero de Terreros. 1839-1852. 89 l.

Financial records of the 1850s, including British bank drafts, credit statements, hacienda accounts, receipts, and financial reports to Juan Romero de Terreros, Conde de Jala.

343. El Rector del Colegio Apostólico San Pedro, Doctor don Dimás Maldonado, presenta su renuncia de la dicha plaza de Rector. 1811. 8 l.

Resignation by Dimás Maldonado as Rector of the Colegio de San Pedro.

344. Escritura de censo. 1596. 8 l.

An agreement made at Texcoco regarding the placement of funds and payment of annunities.

345. Recados de las tierras que vendió Simón Venegas de Espinosa en Tlaixpan, y consentimiento de su madre con su arrendamiento de tierras. 1583. 16 l.

Papers concerning finances, rentals, and management of lands owned by Simon Venegas.

346. El emate de la Hacienda Batán y Molino, y el retracto de doña Catarina y doña Melchora de Dueñas. 1637-1639. 8 l.

A document listing owners and legitimate heirs of the Hacienda del Batán, located in the Texcoco area, and its sale at auction.

347. Papeles de la Hacienda Batán. 1639. 20 l.

Documents pertaining to ownership and partition of the Hacienda del Batán.

348. Escritura de un censo de 2.400 contra el Mayorazgo de los señores Flores de Valdés a favor de las Cofradías del Santísimo Sacramento y Sta. Veracruz de la Ciudad de Texcoco. A continuación, otra escritura en que consta haberse redimido el dicho censo. 1671. 27 l.

Documents regarding payment of interest and annuities on 2,400 pesos, charged on the estate of Urrutia de Vergara Flores de Valdés in favor of two religious societies.


The Regla Papers

349. Siete escrituras de censos relativos y pertenecientes al Mayorazgo de los señores Flores de Valdés. 1601-1678. 47 l.

Documents regarding annuities and payments charged against the Mayorazgo de Flores de Valdés.

350. Nueve escrituras de censos y otros asuntos que pertenecen al Mayorazgo de los señores Flores de Valdés. 1591-1606. 50 l.

Documents pertaining to the Mayorazgo de Flores de Valdés concerning annuities and financial matters.

351. Papeles de Mariano Toraya. ca. 1810-1820; 1849. 35 l.

Receipts, accounts, notes, and fragments concerned with administration of properties of the Colegio de San Pedro y San Pablo. Some items are associated with Mariano Toraya, Dimás Maldonado, and Father Manzano.

352. Papeles de Mariano Toraya. ca. 1815-1825. 45 l.

Texts of speeches or sermons on the relationship of church and state, discursive notes, and a letter to the editor of a newpaper concerning the drafts of a Constitution. The papers are not signed; they appear to be by Mariano Toraya.

353. Papeles de Pedro José Romero de Terreros y José Jerónimo Villar Villamil y Primo. Concesión de agua. ca. 1805, 1839. 10 l.

Documents, grouped in unrelated fashion, concerning capellanías established by Pedro José Romero de Terreros, third Conde de Regla in 1835; the lineage and nobility of José Jerónimo Villar Villamil y Primo; and certain water rights in the area of Texcoco.

354. Papeles del Conde de Regla; de Miguel Cervantes y de Eulogio Rubio. 1806-1807, 1818, 1835-1839. 27 l.

Unrelated groups of documents, consisting of: correspondence among the executors of the estate of Josefa de Velasco, Antonio and Eulogio Rubio, Miguel Cervantes, and others, dated 1830s, concerning business matters of estate management, water rights, claims of the Indians, and the presence of highwaymen preying on travellers; also the statement of Manuel Velasco, 1818, in which he quits the Church and returns his scholarship; and documents of 1806 and 1807 recording the contribution of funds by the Conde de Regla. Other papers concern the acquisition of Hacienda de Ajuchitlan via auction by Pedro José Romero de Terreros in 1839.

355. Títulos de las casas en la calle que va al Colegio de Niñas Regina (de las Ratas Nos. 2 y 3). 1642-1846. 98 l.

Title documents regarding two houses in Mexico City. These were acquired by the Convent of Señoras Religiosas de San Lorenzo in the 1640s, at a time when the properties were abandoned. Later leases and loans affected the properties, and in 1847 the Governor of the Orden de San Lorenzo issued a document certifying a clear title and giving permission for sale.

The provenance of this cuaderno is unclear; its relationship to the Regla papers is also unclear.