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Genealogies 688. Toca esta Ejecutoría de Nobleza a don Bartolomé de Terreros Trejo y Carbajal. 1549. 6 l. Letter patent of hidalguía issued by Carlos V in favor of Juan de Jaso Mayor, and his nephew, Juan de Jaso, Menor. 689. Arbol de la familia de don Ambrosio Eugenio Santalla Melgarejo. n.d. 1 l. The family tree of the descendants of Don Ambrosio Santalla Melgarejo. 690. Mapas. n.d. Two maps: 1) the Batán de Tescoco, located on a media caballería of land on the Tescoco highway, bordered by lands belonging to A. López Villazón, and site of the Monastery of Tescoco; 2) a map of lands belonging to the Colegio de San Pedro y San Pablo. 691. Cartas estadísticas. 1778. Four charts: one printed (to be used as standard format) and the others handwritten, summarizing the number of buildings, and the resources available in the jurisdictions of Presidio de la Bahía del Espíritu Santo; of Presidio de Bejar, Villa de San Fernando; and of the entire Province of Texas. 692. Proclamas. 1757-1812. Proclamations: 1) decree lifting the medio real tax levied on Indians (1757); 2) decree regarding the reestablishment of the Real y Supremo Consejo de las Indias as it existed as of May 1, 1808; 3)decree naming a commission to celebrate the accession of Fernando VII to the Spanish throne (1814); 4) decree regarding the expulsion of Don Pedro Quevedo y Quintano, Bishop of Orense, from the Spanish dominions for his opposition to the Monarchical Constitution. The measure is to be applied to any citizen who objects to said constitution (1812); 5) decree prohibiting the use of regular paper instead of the official forms on which a small tax is levied in order to help defray the costs of the War of Spanish Independence (1812). 693. Proclamas. 1822-1823. Proclamations: 1) decree issued by the Regency of the Mexican Empire regarding the type of government and the religion to be adopted, as well as the power of Congress to call to the Mexican throne those summoned in the Treaty of Córdoba (1822); 2) decree stating the formula to be used in official documents (1822); 3) decree regarding the maintenance of public order (1823). 694. Escudo de Armas. A coat of arms of the Terreros family. |
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