The Assessment Working Group is intended to be an oversight body, with subgroups (task forces) on specific issues in assessment which include WG members and nonmembers who are interested in a particular aspect of assessment. The Group will also coordinate efforts of other working groups and act as a clearinghouse. Branch campuses may be included to the extent they wish.


Terms will be for two years, starting in July. (Initial appointments included 3 people with 2-year terms and 3 people with 3-year terms to stagger turnover.)


The Assessment Working Group reports to the Director. The working group will select its own chair for a minimum six month term of office and will meet regularly or as needed. The group will coordinate its activities with other working groups and library departments, as warranted. Working groups will establish procedures and make policy within the scope of their responsibilities. Working groups are accountable for their decisions and are expected to share decisions with library colleagues using the standard working groups procedure. Any proposals generated by the working group that require non-materials budget funding for implementation must be referred to Library Council for funding approval. Similarly, any proposals with very broad policy implications also need Library Council approval. The chair of the working group is expected to update Library Council on its activities on a regular basis.



Approved by LC: 11-8-00; revised membership 11-15-00; revised 9-11-02; revised membership 06-12-06

Decisions Digest
Minutes Archive
List Serve Information
Working Agreement
Assessment Web Site
Strategic Plan
Five Year Assessment Plan (2002)