Collection Development Policies:

Food Science and Human Nutrition

Purpose: These collections support teaching and research through the Master's level in Human Nutrition and Foods and through the doctoral level in Food Science. Interdepartmental specialization is also available at the doctoral level in Nutrition. While concern for these fields is centered in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition and the Program in Nutrition, faculty and students in other schools and departments have interest in specific areas, such as Animal Sciences and Biochemistry/Biophysics in nutrition, and Biological Systems Engineering and Chemical Engineering in food science and technology.

General Collection Guidelines:
  1. Languages: English is the primary language of the collection. English translations take precedence over works in the original language.
  2. Chronological Guidelines: Primarily the 20th and 21st Century.
  3. Geographical Guidelines: Primarily the United States, except that human nutrition in developing countries is also emphasized. No area is specifically excluded.
  4. Treatment of Subject: Biographies and histories are very selectively purchased. Upper division textbooks are purchased on a selective basis. Lower division textbooks are not ordinarily purchased.
  5. Types of Materials: Most materials acquired are in the form of books and periodicals. This includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, proceedings/transactions of congresses, societies and symposia, selected government documents.
  6. Date of Publication: Primarily the past five years, though earlier publications may be sought. No preference is given to original printings or editions as opposed to reprints or microforms.
Observations and Qualifications by Subject with Collection Level: Food Science: B Includes food process engineering (especially seafood and genetically modified foods), food chemistry and physics, food microbiology, food quality evaluation, food preservation by electrical pulse. See also: Engineering: Biological Systems Food safety/food security: B See also: Veterinary Medicine/Veterinary Science Food products and commodities: B Includes wine & grapes, dairy products, cereals, legumes, fruits, vegetables. Food packaging: C(2) Dietetics: C(1) / B Includes diet therapy and dietary management. See also: Medicine
Pharmacotherapy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Food preparation: C(2) Human nutrition: B Includes food habits and patterns, pathophysiology of nutritional disorders, human digestion and absorption, world nutrition, community nutrition, physiology of nutrition. Joel Cummings
Spring 2004