Guide to the Hugh Augustus Rundell Papers 1938-1983
Cage 561

Summary Information

Washington State University Libraries, Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Rundell, Hugh Augustus
Hugh Augustus Rundell Papers
Cage 561
Date [inclusive]
9 containers., 4 linear feet of shelf space.
Collection materials are in English.
Correspondence and subject files, principally regarding the Department of Communications at Washington State University, along with transcriptions and working papers from the Pacific Northwest Broadcasting Oral History Project.

Preferred Citation

[Item Description]. Cage 561, Hugh Augustus Rundell Papers . Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

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Hugh Rundell was born at Madison, Wisconsin, in 1919. He graduated from Ripon College and the University of Wisconsin, taking a degree in speech with some emphasis on radio. After service in the Army and employment at the University of West Virginia, he joined the faculty of Washington State College in 1948 as an Assistant Professor of Speech.

Rundell worked for WSU until retirement in 1982, concentrating on a variety of radio-related jobs, both with the college radio station and in classes. He was well-known as the author of a pronunciation guide to place names in Washington and the announcer on the widely-syndicated program Legendary Pianist.

During 1976-1978 Rundell conducted a series of oral interviews of several radio broadcasting pioneers in the Northwest.

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WSU Libraries staff have arranged the Papers of Hugh Rundell and related the Pacific Northwest Broadcasting Oral History Project papers as a single collection of personal papers, largely because the working papers of the oral history project were intermingled in Rundell's papers.

Series 1 consists of recording tapes, transcriptions and similar oral history materials. Series 2 consists of papers and correspondence of Hugh Rundell, related both to this project and to broadcasting and teaching in general. The general correspondence covers a wide range of broadcasting subjects, including activities of the Communications Department at Washington State University.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

Washington State University Libraries Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections  © 2012

Terrell Library

P.O. Box 645610

Pullman, WA, 99164-5610 USA


Revision Description

 In 1988 Harvey Young added and integrated other materials received subsequent to 1983. 1988

Restrictions on Access

This collection is open for research use.

Acquisition Information

In 1979 Hugh Rundell donated the papers of the Pacific Northwest Broadcasting Oral History Project to the Washington State University Libraries. Further materials were received in 1983 and 1984 (MS 84-10 and MS 83-41) from the heirs of Hugh Rundell.

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Names and Subjects

Corporate Name(s)

Subject(s) :
  • Pacific Northwest Broadcasting Oral History Project.
  • Washington State University--Faculty--Archives

Personal Name(s)

Creator(s) :
  • Rundell, Hugh Augustus, 1919- --Archives


  • Broadcasting--Washington (State)--Study and teaching
  • Journalism
  • Oral Histories
  • Colleges and Universities
  • Washington (State)

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Detailed Description of Collection

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Series 1: Oral history and recorded materials. (Broadcasting in the Pacific Northwest) 

box folder

Leo Beckley 

1 1

Stan Bennett 

1 2

Al Bond 1976 

1 3

Marie Brattain and Clara Chevigny 

1 4

Jack Clark 

1 5

Joe Chytil 

1 6

Ed "E.B." Craney 1975 

1 7-8

Richard O. Dunning 1976 

1 9

Trevor Evans 1976 

1 10

Haines Fay 

2 11

Hugh Feltis 1976 

2 12

O.W. Fisher 

2 13

Jerry Geehan 

2 14

Art Gerbel 

2 15

Dayee Haas 

2 16

Jim Hamstreet 

2 17

Carl Haymond 1977 

2 18

Catherine Jones 

2 19

Jessica Longston 1977 

2 20

Peter Lyman 

2 21

Frank Mankiewicz 

3 22

Allen Miller 

3 22.1

Lincoln Miller 

3 23

Ester Murphy 

3 24

James Murphy 

3 25

H.B. Murphy 

3 26

Wally Nelskog 

3 27

Pat O'Day 

3 28

Bob Pollock 

3 29

Homer Pope 

3 30

Robert Priebe 

3 31

Robert Priebe 

3 32

James Ross 

4 33

Les Smith 

4 34

Scott Smith 

4 35

Loren Stone 

4 36

Loren Stone 

4 37

Archie Taft 

4 38

William Taft 

4 39

Richard Wald 

4 39.1

James Wallace 

4 40

James Wallace 

4 41

W.W. Warren 

4 42

Cole Wylie 

4 43

Recorded material: Edward R. Murrow Symposium Tapes 1978 

4 44

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Series 2: Papers and correspondence. 

box folder

A Glossary of Cable Terms; Bibliocable; Bibliography of Cable Terms 1972 

5 45

A History of Radio Broadcasting in Seattle up to the Establishment of the Radio Act of 1927, by William Hanford Brubaker 1968 

5 46

A Suggested Procedure: An Approach to Local Authorization of Cable Television 1972 

5 47

American Radio Broadcasting Sampling and Broadcasting Techniques. Plus: Glossary of Terminology undated  

5 48

Lucy L. Bridge and Radio Anniversary 1923-1924 

5 49

Broadcast News and the First Amendment 1977 

5 50

Broadcast Satellite Services 1981-1983 

5 51

Budget and Staff, Communications Department 1976-1977 

5 52

Cable Economics; The Use of Financial Analysis in Decision- Making 1972 1975 

5 53

Cable Television 

box folder


5 54


5 55
box folder

CATV System Management and Operation, By Robert B. Cooper, Jr. 1966 

5 56

Citizens' Guide to Cable Television Franchising 1980 

5 57

Code of Good Cable Television Franchising Conduct undated 

5 58

Communications Act of 1934 1934 

5 59

Communications Seminar; New York Times Articles 1982 

5 60

Communications Two Hundred and Fifty 

5 61


box folder


5 62


5 63


5 64
box folder

Biographical Information on Edward R. Murrow 1981-1982 

5 65

Communications Two Hundred and Fifty-Five Master Dittos undated 

6 66

Community Television Review 1981 

6 67

Current Cable Regulation: Addressing the "New" Cable undated --Tape recording 

6 68

Curriculum Advisory Activities 1977-1980 

6 69-70

Daily Market Quotations; plus "Slow Freight" Drama 1938 

6 71

Directory of Broadcasting Stations, Washington 1965 

6 72

Equipment undated 

6 73

General Correspondence 1975-1977 

6 74

File Index for Oral History Interview undated 

6 75

How to Plan an Ordinance, an Outline and Some Examples 1972 

7 76

Hugh Feltis Correspondence 1976 

7 77

Hugh Rundell Correspondence 1978 

7 78

Instructional Innovator 1980 

7 79

Interviewees 1977 

7 80

Interviewing 1963-1978 

7 81

Charles E. Kinkaid, Executive Director, the Saul and Dayee Haas Foundation: Oral History Project 1975 

7 82

Lecturers 1975 

7 83

Letter I to Prospective Oral Interviewees 1976-1977 

7 84

Letter I, Including Names of Participants 

7 85

Letters to Prospective Interviewees 1975-1977 

7 86

Miscellaneous Articles and Pamphlets 1976 

7 87

James A. Murphy Correspondence 1978 

7 88

Murrow Symposium. Guest Speaker, Charles Kuralt 1976 

7 89

Pacific Northwest Oral History Project: Participants and Responses to Letter III 1976-1977 

7 90

Print-Broadcast First Amendment Parity, A Bibliography by R.H. MacDonald 1980 

7 91

Professional Activity Reports: Lorraine Montano and Pamela Grindstaff 1977 

7 92

Progress of the Oral History Project 1977-1978 

7 93

Public Service Satellite Consortium 1980-1981 

7 94

Commonly Used Terms in Telecommunications undated 

7 95

Rules and Regulations, Cable Television Service 1976 

7 96

Secretary's File on Interviewees 1977 

7 97

Senate Resolution 294; and: Correspondence with E.B. Craney. 1938 

7 98

Space Satellites 1977 

7 99

State's Broadcasting Industry to be Researched, Hilltopics 1976 

7 100

Symposium On Projected Telecommunications Traffic Trends. National Academy of Sciences. 1980-2000 1979 

7 101

Technical Standards and Specifications, The Urban Institute 1973 

8 102

Technology of Cable Television. And: The Uses of Cable Communications. 1973 

8 103

The Consumer and Cable Television, A National Conference 1981 

8 104

The Consumer and Cable Television, by Kay Kopolovitz 1981 

8 105

The Informational Society: Ethical and Social Issues, The Edward R. Murrow Symposium 1981 

8 106

The Value of Improved Communications to Hospitals, 1979 

8 107

Travel for Hugh Rundell 1978 

8 108

United Cable Television Corporation Annual Report 1981 

8 109

Washington Radio Stations: 1938 and 1974 

8 110

Washington State Defense Council 1942-1943 

8 111

Washington State University Oral History Project 1976 

8 112

Washington State University Oral History Project, Release Forms undated 

8 113

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box folder

Typescript, They Took to the Air: An Oral History of Broadcasting in Washington, Narrated by the Men and Women who Built the State's Radio and Television Stations, compiled and edited by Burt Harrison 1989 

9 114

Typescript, They Took to the Air, abridged 1990 

9 115