Holland and Terrell Libraries

Services & Hours | Telephone Numbers | Databases | Humanities/Social Sciences at Holland and Terrell
Collection Areas
| Ask a question | Purchase Request | Floor Map

Holland and Terrell Libraries are located at the core of the campus on Glenn Terrell Friendship Mall and serve the College of Liberal Arts, the College of Business and Economics, and some departments in the College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences.

         Holland Library (MASC Ivan Shirrod Postcard Collection)
Holland Library

Holland Library opened in 1950, Terrell Library opened in 1994 as the "New" Library (or "Holland Addition") and was named for former University President Glenn Terrell in 2006. In 2008, a new tunnel was built to connect the ground floor of the remodeled CUB with the first floor of the Terrell Library. The Holland and Terrell Libraries house collections in anthropology, architecture, comparative ethnic studies, business, human development, communication, American studies, criminal justice, economic sciences, English language and literature, finance, fine arts, foreign languages and literatures, higher education, history, hospitality, law, music, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, sociology, sports and leisure, theatre, and women's studies.

Terrell Library
New Library 2001

Holland and Terrell Libraries Hours

Contact Holland and Terrell Libraries:

Library Units located within the Holland and Terrell Libraries

Other Holland and Terrell Libraries Information

Reference Services
Holland and Terrell Libraries reference librarians assist users in locating, using, and evaluating printed and electronic materials for Humanities and Social Sciences subject areas. To ask a reference question via e-mail, click here.

The Holland and Terrell Libraries librarians also work with specific subject areas to:

See the WSU Libraries Subject Specialists list to find out who to contact about these activities in your subject area.

Holland and Terrell Libraries Reference Service Hours

Library Assignments
Professors who intend to give their students an assignment that requires use of the library are encouraged to fill out the Library Assignment Alert Form to make the librarians aware of the intent of your assignment.

Social Science and Humanities Information

Databases for Social Sciences and Humanities

See also, an introduction electronic journals available at WSU.

Collection Areas and Subject Resources

Business and Law
Accounting || Business -- general || Company and Industry Research || Country Research || Finance || International Business || Law || Management Information Systems ||

Social Sciences
Advertising || Anthropology/Archaeology || Apparel || Asian Studies || Black Studies || Broadcasting || Chicano Studies || Communication Studies || Comparative Ethnic Studies || Country Research || Criminal Justice || Economics || Environmental Sciences; Resource Planning (social science/economic focus) || GIS (Geographical Information Systems) Maps and Atlases (Holland/New Library) || Mass Media || Native American Studies || History || Human Development || Interior Design || Journalism || Kinesiology & Leisure Studies || Linguistics || Political Science || Psychology || Public Relations || Sociology || Women's Studies ||

Government Information
Government Documents || U.S. Federal Documents || State and Local Documents || International Documents || United Nations ||

American and English Literature || Asian Literature and Language || Classical Studies || Composition and Rhetoric || English and American Literature || Fine Arts || French Literature and Language || German Literature and Language || Music || Philosophy || Religious Studies || Scandanavian Literature and Language || Spanish Literature and Language || Theatre ||