Approved 7/15/98; revised 3/22/00; revised 5/31/00
Currently under revision by LC April 2004

Library Council
Working Groups
Initial Working Groups
Ad Hoc Task Forces
General Guidelines for Groups


Library Council is the primary administrative body for the WSU Libraries. Its role is to provide leadership in directing the allocation of intellectual and financial resources in support of the Libraries' values, mission, and vision.

The role of Library Council is to:


Working Groups are the primary means by which library policies and practices are established and implemented in areas where more than one library unit is responsible for implementing a particular service. Through Working Groups, the Libraries benefit from the shared ideas and expertise of those most familiar with these services.

The role of Working Groups is to:

Working Groups will establish procedures and make policy within the scope of their responsibilities. Working Groups are accountable for their decisions and are expected to share decisions with library colleagues using standard procedures for working groups. However, any proposals generated by a Working Group that require funding for implementation must be referred to Library Council for funding approval unless otherwise specified in the individual Working Group description document. Similarly, any proposals with very broad policy implications, will also need Library Council approval.

Some issues may require a Working Group to work collaboratively or meet occasionally with another Working Group to insure that the most effective and appropriate solution is applied to a given problem. Such collaboration and communication can be arranged by the groups themselves.

Working Groups:


Ad hoc task forces may be created by any group and by administrative departments to handle very specific issues within a specified time period, as necessary. Such task forces would report to the group or administrative department that created them. However, before any group or department creates task forces, care must be taken to insure that some existing Working Group is not already addressing the same problem or that the issue does not fall within the purview of an existing group. Some examples of ad hoc task forces might be a National Library Week Task Force and Atrium Music Series Task Force.


All groups meetings are considered "open meetings." As a courtesy, any non-member wishing to attend a group meeting as an observer should notify the chair of that Working Group in advance of the meeting. Similarly, any non-member who wishes to attend a group meeting in order to speak to a particular issue on the agenda, should also notify the chair of that group in advance of the meeting. Any non-member can request that an issue be considered for placement on the agenda by contacting the working group chair.

Minutes should be recorded for all group meetings and distributed promptly. A recorder can be designated by the group for the year or the responsibility can be shared throughout the group. Minutes should be made available within a week of the meeting or in advance of the next meeting, whichever is sooner. Key group decisions must be distributed in an appropriate manner to all library employees.

Groups should spend their time addressing specific items on the agenda. Information sharing should be done via e-mail or memo. Any group member may request that a particular topic, brought to his/her attention as information, be placed on the agenda for further discussion or action.

Group members will be selected through a variety of methods, depending on the group. As a general rule, library employees will be asked to volunteer for these assignments. The Libraries benefit greatly from the ideas and expertise of all our employees. Group work requires time and effort that must be shared by everyone. It is essential that all employees contribute to the group process by volunteering for working groups, task forces, and search committees on a regular basis. Although the branch campus libraries have separate budgets from the Pullman campus and report to their respective campus deans, branch campus librarians may vote for and serve as faculty representatives on Library Council. It is important to have branch campus library faculty and staff represented on working groups and task forces to insure compatible practices and procedures and to foster communication throughout the WSU Libraries.

The chair will be selected by the group for a specified period of time determined by the group.

The chair is responsible for:

Group members are responsible for:

Modes of group operation

To be effective, it should be clear to all group members that one of the following three modes will be occurring at a given time during the meetings:

Before any decision is finalized, the group should be sure that no other group or department needs to be consulted, nor that the decision falls within the scope of Library Council and should be forwarded to LC as a proposal.

At the end of each meeting, group members should decide collectively what decisions and information need to be communicated to their library colleagues.

APPROVED BY LIBRARY COUNCIL: 7/15/98; revised 3/22/00; revised 5/31/00