Collection Development Policies:

Apparel, Merchandising, Design and Textile

Purpose: To support undergraduate and graduate teaching and programs leading to the degrees of BA and MA in Apparel, Merchandising, Design, and Textiles. Because these programs rely on the Fine Arts, Business, Psychology, and Sociology collections, those policy statements should also be considered.

General Collection Guidelines:
  1. Languages: English and English translations. There is no limitation of language, however, when illustrative material is more important than text.
  2. Chronological Guidelines: Current research and development are emphasized. Older historical works are collected selectively.
  3. Geographical Guidelines: No region is excluded. Materials are acquired that develop broad historical and cultural perspectives.
  4. Treatment of the Subject: Scholarly treatments of a subject are emphasized. Upper division textbooks are purchased selectively. Lower division textbooks, teacher and student work manuals and introductory works are purchased very selectively.
  5. Types of Material: Materials acquired are in the form of books, electronic books, indexes, media and periodicals. Some periodical backfiles may be in microformat. Electronic resources (defined as material accessible through the WSU Libraries, and requiring the use of computers for access), are acquired.
  6. Date of Publication: Emphasis is on currently published materials. Retrospective purchases are made selectively.
  7. Other General Considerations: Certain specialized areas of interest to AMID are mentioned in the collection statements for Art.

Observations and Qualifications by Subject with Collection Level:

Apparel and Clothing: C(1) / B MMaterials collected include socio-psychological aspects, history and design. There is no geographical limitation. Purchasing of materials in the history of fashion and clothing is shared with Drama as costume design. Merchandising: C(1) A major in clothing and textiles permits a concentration in fashion or clothing merchandising and marketing. Students are prepared for positions of management in retail and apparel production firms. Materials to support this area of concentration are purchased selectively because merchandising and marketing materials are purchased for the College of Business. Textile: C(1) Textile art, design, history and industry material are collected by Holland and Terrell Libraries. The technical and scientific aspects of textiles, clothing construction and textile science are collected by the Owen Science and Engineering Library. Mary Gilles
Spring 2011