Collection Development Policies:

Foreign Languages and Literatures: Spanish

Purpose: To support teaching and research, from undergraduate through master's level, and faculty research. Spanish Literature is also of interest to students and faculty in other Romance literatures, English and American Literature, Comparative Ethnic Studies, and Linguistics. Students of Latin American history also use this collection as well as those in Bilingual-Bicultural Education (Spanish-English).

General Collection Guidelines:
  1. Languages: The primary language is Spanish, with English translations of important texts also acquired. Critical works are purchased in English and Spanish. Dual-language poetry and fiction are purchased when available. Translations into languages other than English, or critical works in languages other than Western European or English, are not normally purchased.
  2. Chronological Guidelines: From the 12th century to the present day.
  3. Geographical Guidelines: Primarily Spain, Spanish-speaking Latin America, and the United States.
  4. Treatment of Subject: Critical works and primary texts are collected. Works on French culture and film are also acquired. Popular works are acquired when relevant. Textbooks are not generally acquired. Works to support translation studies at the graduate level are also purchased.
  5. Types of Materials: Monographs, journals, reference works. Textbooks are not ordinarily acquired. Electronic and selected audiovisual materials (e.g., language learning media) are acquired.
  6. Date of Publication: Emphasis is on current publications. Important older materials are acquired in reprint or in microform as funds permit.
Observations and Qualifications by Subject with Collection Levels: Spanish Language: C(1) To support teaching at the graduate level. Spanish (Peninsular) Literature, Medieval through 17th century: C(1) Special emphasis is on improving our collection of primary texts, in scholarly critical editions when available. Spanish (Peninsular) Literature, 17th through 21st centuries: C(1) This period receives the heaviest emphasis. Literary journals are of particular importance, and our holdings should be improved when reprints or microform are available. Spanish (Latin American) Literature from 17th through 21st Centuries: C(1) Literary journals are of particular importance, and our holdings should be improved when reprints or microform are available.

Gabriella Reznowski
Spring 2011