Collection Development Policies:

Foreign Languages and Literatures: Asian

Purpose: To support undergraduate courses in Japanese and Chinese languages. Literary materials also contribute to a general world literature collection. Language courses are a requirement for both minors and majors in the Asia Program. The material is also of interest to students in History, Political Science, English, Asian-American Studies, Anthropology, International Business, Philosophy, and Theater.

General Collection Guidelines:

  1. Languages: The primary language of the collection is English. To support graduate level students, major literary works are also selectively purchased in the original language. Dual-language materials are also collected when available.
  2. Chronological Guidelines: No general guidelines.
  3. Geographical Guidelines: Preference is given to East and South Asia. Material related to Southeast Asia and the South Pacific is more selectively purchased.
  4. Treatment of Subject: Literary texts and critical, theoretical and historical studies of literature are acquired. Grammars, dictionaries, and other aids to language study are purchased for those languages which are taught at WSU. For languages which are not taught, only a basic grammar and dictionary are normally purchased.
  5. Types of Materials: Monographs and serials form the basis of the collection, but literary encyclopedias, dictionaries, and some conference proceedings are also acquired. Textbooks are not ordinarily acquired. Electronic and selected audiovisual materials (e.g., language learning media) are acquired.
  6. Date of Publication: Emphasis is on current imprints, but some retrospective purchasing may be done on a selective basis.

Observations and Qualifications by Subject with Collection Level: See also section on Commonwealth Literature in English and American Literature. Languages: Japanese: C(2) Chinese: C(2) Other Asian Languages: D Literatures: East and South Asian (English translation): C(2) Southeast Asian & South Pacific (English translation): C(2) East and South Asian (original language): D / C Southeast Asian & South Pacific (original language): E

Gabriella Reznowski
Spring 2011